Cementarnica USJE's main focus is cement production. We are a top producer and supplier of high-quality cement in our and the surrounding countries. We provide high-performance solutions to our clients, such as construction companies, installations for the production of ready-mix concrete (concrete bases), manufacturers of precast concrete products and cement products, and manufacturers of dry mix mortar and construction contractors.
We are focused delivering value-added cement, tailored to the customers' needs. Our goal is to be the top choice and partner for all types of cements.
We produce bulk and bagged cement. Our cements are classified according to their early and final strengths, as well as their composition.
Our Portland cement is a binding agent of high quality and durability. It meets all applicable chemical, physical and mechanical requirements and is used in all areas of construction, from building homes, schools, hospitals, to tunnels and airports. Our gray Portland cement is a type of cement made from ground clinker, gypsum, fly ash and limestone.
The right cement for any need.