The production of ready-mix concrete and aggregates achieves vertical integration of the production in Cementarnica USJE. The process started in 2000, when the installation for the production of ready-mix concrete launched.

Ready-mix concrete as a product is a mixture of several properly balanced components, which are cement, fine and coarse aggregates, water and various additives. In what ratio the corresponding components will be dosed in the concrete depends on the required characteristics. The characteristics of the concrete, above all, must meet the applicable standards (MKC EN 206:2014+A1:2017 - concrete – specification, performance, production and conformity + МКС 1016:2018+A1:2020 Rules of use of MKC EN 206:2014+A1:2017) and requirements in terms of concrete strength, adequate workability and durability in different climatic and structural conditions. The production capacity of ready-mix concrete is 100 м3/h.

Cementarnica USJE's production line consists of a wide range of concretes. In addition to the standard concrete, as a company with its accumulated knowledge and experience, we are prepared to produce various special types of concrete, which are:

  • Asphalt concrete
  • Cement screeds
  • Concrete with a compressive strength greater than 60 MPa
  • Microfiber and steel fiber-reinforced concrete
  • Self-leveling concrete
  • Sprayed concrete
  • Waterproof concrete

Our commitment and customer orientation is demonstrated through our willingness to create products tailored to their needs and wants.

We have our own laboratory that constantly controls the quality of the concrete as well as the input components.

In addition to the regular checks, USJE's laboratory has a developmental role in the preparation of new mixes for different uses. Our plant's operation is regularly inspected and checked by an external authorized institute.

Certificate of Conformity of the Factory Production Control 155-ZGP-0007