This year USJE was a host of Cementarijada sport games that traditionally took place every year from 10th -13th May in Struga. Beside USJE participants, there were also several other cement plants from the region: Cementara Lukavac from Bosnia, Popovac, Lafarge Beocin and TITAN Cementara Kosjeric from Serbia, with total about 200 participants. Participants competed in several sports such as: soccer, volleyball, basketball, table tennis, darts, archery, fishing and chess.
USJE employees won trophies for:
1st place in darts (women, team),
1st place in archery (women, team),
2nd place in soccer (men, team),
3rd place in darts (men, team),
3rd place in table tennis (men, team)
Cementarnica USJE is always committed to encouraging sports activities that enhance the team spirit of the employees.