The development of the company must encourage community development
To provide long-term development and sustainability of their business, companies make their best efforst to contribute to community development. This approach is essential for each company’s success. Guided by this, Cementarnica USJE AD Skopje presented its CSR and Sustainability Report 2011 and organized Round Tables where the effects of actions taken for community development were discussed.
The discussion on the CSR and Sustainability Report was attended by representatives of companies, institutions and members of the community that the company cooperates with. "Community Engagement and Development - responsible business", "Sustainable Production and the Environment" and "Social Responsibility - Consumers and Buyers", were the three thematic sections that hosted discussions among attendees.

"Our company has a sincere and clear determination to encourage community development along with the development and prosperity of USJE. Through our activities so far, we have shown that we have an honest and dedicated approach. Our next goal is to strengthen and intensify our activities and we expect to get suggestions and opinions from today's discussion in order to improve the projects. In addition, we want to encourage our partners to engage in the implementation of the principles of social responsibility in their operations," said Boris Hrisafov, Chief Executive Director of Cementarnica USJE AD Skopje.
At the Round Tables, attending representatives expressed their views and opinions regarding the actions taken so far and exchanged experiences about the activities on this plan.
Cementarnica USJE AD Skopje is working each year to improve its activities in the field of social responsibility. The company's activities are grouped into several areas such as: environmental protection, community development, occupational health and safety of employees and stakeholders engagement. The company received this year's National award for Corporate Social Responsibility in the category Employee Relations, awarded by the Coordination Body for Corporate Social Responsibility.
Cementarnica USJE AD Skopje is a member of the United Nations Global Compact and the company is also the initiator of the revival of the Macedonian Network of the Global Compact.