The care for the environmental is an important priority of Cementarnica USJE AD Skopje within our corporate social responsibility policy. Believing that actions speak more than words, on Nov. 19, 2011 USJE for the eight time joined the "Tree Day - Plant Your Future" action.
Cementarnica USJE AD Skopje donated 200 tree seedlings with a height from 150 to 160 cm. They were 50 maple, 50 linden and 100 from the evergreen species Thuja Columnaris. About thirty of our employees, along with the management team, were planting trees at two locations in the Municipality of Kisela Voda. The plantings were in the yard of the kindergarten "Sinolicka "and in the new park near the municipality building.

We made a careful selection of plants that will grow into trees and will refine the environment in which we operate throughout the years. Our support of the action "Tree Day - Plant Your Future" is part of our strategic initiative for environmental protection. Among other activities, we improve the horticultural arrangement in the educational institutions and public spaces in the municipality of Kisela Voda. In this way, we contribute to improving the health of the citizens of our neighbourhood and we encourage sustainable development of the municipality.