Cementarnica USJE actively participated in the European Waste Management Week that took place in Skopje from 20 to 24 November 2017, organized by the European Delegation in the Republic of Macedonia and the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning.
Within the European Waste Reduction Week, Cementarnica USJE participated in the organization and presentations in the panel discussion "From Waste to Energy - Challenges and Opportunities" held on November 21, 2017, organized by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning planning and NGO "Go Green".
The main focus of the panel discussion was the application of technological solutions for waste treatment and its use as energy. Cementarnica USJE presented the possibilities and potentials of the cement industry for different utilization of communal waste in obtaining energy. The development of this segment and the utilization of waste as energy will ensure permanent solution for the waste and will contribute to the improvement of the environmental conditions, while reducing the energy dependence of the country.
Deputy Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Jani Makraduli expressed his expectation that the municipalities should show greater interest in the solutions for waste utilization as a potential energy source, which will benefit and will permanently solve the problem of landfills. Jaromir Levichek, Head of Operations 1 in the EU Delegation to Macedonia, also attended the panel discussion. He pointed out the fact that approximately 42% of the waste is recycled in the EU countries, and the goal is to recycle 65% of the waste by 2030.
Within the European Waste Reduction Week, on November 23 the International Waste Management Conference MaSWA was held, at which Cementarnica USJE participated in the working groups on the topic "Networking of Macedonia in the world trends for solid waste management" . The conference was attended by our Technical Director, Mr. Efstatios Politis and our Environmental Manager, Ms. Natasha Bakreska-Kormusovska.
The contribution to environmental protection as well as raising the awareness of the importance of the environmental are one of the basic priorities of our Company and an essential part of our corporate social responsibility.