Cementarnica USJE launched a program for practical training of students from technical high schools of mechanical and electrical vocation located in the City of Skopje. This initiative of Cementarnica USJE was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Center for Vocational Education and Training.

The project includes students from IV year from the high schools Mihajlo Pupin, Vlado Tasevski and 8 Septemvri who in the next two months, in groups of 15 participants, will undergo practical training in the industry. A team of experts from the company, along with school teacher, will be in charge of the implementation of the training and it will take place in the mechanical and electrical workshop and the production facilities of Cementarnica USJE.
The main objective of the practical training of the high school students is gaining new technical knowledge and skills by linking theory with practice in the immediate work environment in industrial facilities.
- The development of every prosperous society is based on professional young people who have the specialized knowledge, skills and high work ethic. But, the responsibility for creating this staff cannot be left only to the education system and schools. Companies need to take their share of the burden. Through the implementation of this project for practical training we at Cementarnica USJE demonstrate our commitment to accomplishing the mission of creating a broader base of technical staff that is necessary, but unfortunately, is becoming deficient in the Republic of Macedonia, said Boris Hrisafov, CED of Cementarnica USJE AD Skopje, while marking the start of the project.

At the first day of the program, all students must thoroughly familiarize themselves and apply measures for occupational safety and health to which Cementarnica USJE gives special importance.
The training of and acquisition of specialized working knowledge and skills by young people is one of the practices that are implemented in Cementarnica USJE in different ways for a long time. It is an integral part of the strategy for corporate social responsibility of the company, which is in line with the initiative of the United Nations for Corporate Social Responsibility, which USJE is a member of, the UN Global Compact.