30.12.2009 – Skopje. Cementarnica Usje Titan continues to support the education of young people with potential. Cementarnica Usje Titan awarded three scholarships for postgraduate studies in Management & Business Administration at the Economic Faculty, at “Ss Cyril & Methodius University” in Skopje. The winners of the scholarships are Bojan Krckovski, a graduate of Economy, Hristina Cigarida, a graduate of Mechanical Engineering and Ilche Gjurovski, graduate of Technological Engineering. The selection was done via a public announcement and the graduates with the highest grade-point-average, unemployed at the moment, were selected.

“Giving support to young and promising people who are prepared to further enhance their knowledge is a really great honor and a significant moment for Cementarnica Usje Titan. We further keep our course of investing into the education of young people, because in that way we invest in the future of the country”, Boris Hrisafov, Executive Director of Cementarnica Usje Titan said at the awarding of the scholarships.
Cementarnica Usje Titan expands its program for support of education of young people with these scholarships for postgraduate studies at the “Ss Cyril & Methodius” University in Skopje. Until now Titan traditionally awarded scholarships for Management & Business Administration at the Alba Faculty in Athens, Greece, a tradition which will continue as well.