Cemetanrica USJE is winner of the award Company leader of the goals for sustainable development 2019 from the project “Building interdepartmental partnerships for sustainable development”, financed by the EU and implemented by the NGO Konekt. This recognition USJE receives for its activities in the implementation of the principles of the UN Global Compact in all of its business practices, especially in the areas defined with the Compact – good health and well-being, responsible consumption and production, environmental protection and partnership for the accomplishment of the goals of the Global Compact. “Companies, businesses and individuals, wherever they are and wherever they act, could play a crucial role in improving the world in which we live. Cemetanrica USJE undisputedly is a company - leader of these goals set in the UN Global Compact, whose mission is to harmonize the principles of the business community with those of the UN Global Compact. It introduces these principles in all areas of its operations - both internally, within the company and externally to partners, so there was no doubt that it is USJE that should be among the first winners of this award in the country” - was said at the inauguration ceremony of the awards. Cemetanrica USJE among the first in the country, in 2008 joined the UN Global Compact and among the other, obliged to apply and develop the ethical business practices, transparency and the implementation of high standards in the operation, encouragement, development and spreading of the ecological technologies, respect and improvement of the responsibility to the environment, continuous education and development of the employees. Since 2015 USJE has aligned its strategy for sustainable development with the goals of the United Nations in 2030 and applies them in its daily operations. “For us, in USJE, sustainable development is not a matter of campaign activities in a particular period and meeting of someone's requirements and principles, but the development of our internal culture of taking active responsibility for building a better world by the management, and everyone that is employed. We strive to spread that culture among our associates and in the wider community, because sustainable development is nothing but concern for the development of the society in general, of the welfare of people and their families”- said at the ceremony the HR and Social Responsibility Manager of Cemetanrica USJE, Magdalena Slavejkova. Cemetanrica USJE has integrated system for management of quality and environment and it continuously improves the operation in that aspect, it undertakes regular activities for the development of the security, the health and the education of the employees and their families and creates long term partnerships and cooperation with the local community, the City of Skopje and the central institutions, as well as the civil sector and the education institutions at all levels of the education system.