The elementary school Blazhe Koneski was provided a completely new insulating façade with the support of Cementarnica USJE. The Company has donated materials and rendered services for the construction of an energy efficient façade for this school located in the Aerodrom Municipality in the total amount of 4,5 million denars. Hence, in the new school year, both pupils and teaching staff will play, study and work in improved and safer school conditions, whereas the Municipality shall incur reduced costs for the heating and cooling of school premises.
‘We are genuinely happy whenever we have the option of assisting in improving the conditions of buildings used by children and spreading the mission for protection of the environment where we reside and work. By engaging in such ventures, Cementarnica USJE fulfils its goals for decarbonization and reducing the climate change impacts on the environment’, stated the Chief Executive Director of USJE, Mr. Boris Hrisafov.
This donation is a segment of the long-term program run by Cementarnica USJE entitled – Partnering with schools project – being implemented in collaboration with the local communities and institutions at a local level. Within the framework of the Project, the Company has donated more than 700.000 EUR for the purpose of increasing the energy efficiency of schools and kindergartens, for horticultural and ground floor planning of their yards and for enhancing the safety of both children and teaching staff in pre-school and elementary school education.