On December 1st, 2010, Cementarnica USJE AD Skopje organized its First Stakeholders Engagement Forum "Responsibility - Partnership - Development" under the auspices of the UN Global Compact and on the Company’s two-year anniversary of joining the Global Compact.
More than one hundred participants from public authorities, including the MoEPP, Municipality of Kisela Voda, Principals of the primary schools and kindergartens in Kisela Voda, Municipality of Sopiste, Usje Village, international organizations, such as UNDP, USAID, EBRD etc., academics, NGOs, financial institutions, contractors, suppliers, customers and business leaders in CSR, all shared their experiences, information and ideas about social responsibility in the context of community development, a trend that receives increasing attention in the country each year, as also seen through the acknowledgments of the State to Companies active in this area.

At the Forum, the very first CSR & Corporate Social Responsibility Report of Cementarnica USJE AD Skopje for 2009 was presented, stating all the efforts, commitments and best practices of USJE in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility.
Notable speakers at this Forum were the Mayor of Kisela Voda Municipality, Mr. Marjan Gjorcev, the President of the National Coordinating Body for Corporate Social Responsibility, Mr. Goran Lazarevski, the UNDP Deputy Resident Representative, Mrs. Ann Marie Ali, the TITAN Group SEE Director, Mr. Kostas Derdemezis, the TITAN Group CSR Manager, Mrs. Maria Alexiou, and the Chief Executive Director of Cementarnica USJE AD Skopje, Mr. Antonios Nicolopoulos.
The Plenary Session was followed by two Thematic Sessions about Health & Safety of USJE’s contractors and about USJE’s “Partnering with Schools” Project covering all primary schools and one kindergarten from the Municipality of Kisela Voda.

This First Forum was welcomed and acknowledged by all attendees expressing their gratitude for the opportunity to participate, their satisfaction with the information and experience shared, as well as acknowledgment of the positive example of USJE being a socially responsible Company and a leader in organizing such events and bringing together all relevant stakeholders.