Министерот за животна средина и просторно планирање во посета на Цементарница УСЈЕ
The Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Naser Nuredini visited Cementarnica USJE, where he was closely acquainted with the processes and the way of working in the company, with a special focus on our commitment to environmental protection.
The participants were presented with a short video on the construction, existence and development of Cementarnica USJE to date. Chief Executive Officer Boris Chrysafov also addressed the issue, emphasizing the company's strategic commitment to sustainable development, ie to pursuing business goals and creating value in a socially responsible way.
One of the main topics of this visit was the introduction to the work in accordance with the A-integrated environmental permit and all environmental protection measures presented by the Environmental Manager at Cementarnica USJE.
At the end of the visit, the attendees, accompanied by our engineers and experts, also visited the production plants in order to get acquainted with the production process and the way of work in Cementarnica USJE.