Within the framework of this year's Open Day in USJE, the Go Green NGO organized a workshop on the experiences from the cooperation of the NGO sector with the industry, aimed at monitoring the implementation of the highest standards in environmental care. - If industrial facilities want to be accepted as responsible members of the community, then they should also behave in all their business operations. Trust depends directly on the openness of companies for active and honest dialogue and their willingness to hear, recognize and take into account the interests of citizens and the community in the planning and implementation of their activities. With this approach of open discussion with the citizens, USJE is an example of a responsible member of the community - said Antonio Jovanovski, executive director of NGO "Go Green". In addition to the non-governmental organizations, other representatives from the civic sector, local self-governments, and science departments also took part in the workshop, presenting the latest trends in the so-called "clean production". - Industrial capacities are an inseparable part of the social and economic development of societies. At the same time, contemporary science offers wide opportunities for adaptation of existing technologies, but also new technological solutions. They not only take into account the needs and challenges facing the community in the environment, but also offer solutions to wider social problems. Undoubtedly, such is the example with the technology for using alternative fuels, which gives a systemic solution and the problem of waste - said professor Dr. Atanas Kochov from the Institute for Clean Production. The new EU directive on industrial emissions was also presented at the meeting. Within the workshop, a tour of Cementarnica USJE was organized, whereby the participants were introduced to the production process and the activities and measures that the company has overhauled and plans to adapt the technological process to the highest standards for environmental protection.