The trainings for informing and getting acquainted with the authorized inspectors and communal wardens from all municipalities in the country have started, for the new draft laws in the field of waste management that are in government procedure, as well as familiarizing with the draft text of the National Management Plan with waste 2020-2030. In order to acquaint the competent persons in the municipalities with the changes and innovations envisaged by the legal changes in the field of waste treatment and collection, four trainings will be organized within regions, namely, Southwest and Pelagonija Region, Vardar and Southeast Region, East and Northeast Region and Skopje and Polog region.
The workshops are organized by the Association of Citizens for Environmental Protection and Physical Planning Planktonium.
During the trainings, the potentials of Cementarnica USJE AD Skopje in the process of integrated waste management and its reuse were presented. In addition, the decades-long experience of the EU member states and the involvement of the cement industry in this process were presented, following the best European practices for reducing greenhouse gases in the air and environmental protection.
In the next period, the inspectors and communal wardens from the municipalities will visit Cementarnica USJE AD Skopje to get acquainted with the possibilities in more detail.
During all trainings, the recommended measures and protocols for protection against the spread of Covid-19 virus were observed.
The association works on a voluntary basis and mainly deals with issues related to the environment, educating the general public and developing environmental awareness from an early age, assisting in the implementation of national laws, energy efficiency and climate change awareness, afforestation, comprehensive care for aquatic ecosystems, i.e. everything that means supporting environmental protection.
The Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning in cooperation with all stakeholders has prepared a package of laws in this area, including a new Law on Waste Management and a package of laws for extended liability of producers of textiles, oils, tires, used vehicles, packaging, batteries and electrical or electronic equipment. The adoption of these laws and the National Waste Management Plan 2020-2030 will significantly improve the situation with waste collection and treatment.