Cementarnica USJE AD Skopje was visited today by the Prime Minister Mr. Nikola Gruevski. The PM had the opportunity to tour the industrial installations of the Usje Plant, meet the employees and discuss the Company’s performance with the Management.
Besides the PM, the Government delegation that visited the Company included the Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Vladimir Pesevski and the Deputy Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Ms. Sonja Lepitkova as well.

The Chief Executive Director of USJE, Mr. Anthony Nicolopoulos stated: “Cementarnica USJE is honored today by the visit of his Excellency, Prime Minister Gruevski, the Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Pesevski and the Deputy Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Ms. Lepitkova. We toured the Plant together and discussed the issues facing our Company during this difficult economic situation. We are very satisfied with his personal interest in our facilities and our performance and for the continuous positive support of His Government”.