USJE AD Skopje, following the positive world experience for usage of renewable energy sources, has initiated the Project for introduction of alternative fuels in the production process. With this project as alternative fuels are covered non-hazardous waste fractions such as: biomass and RDF (Refuse Derived Fuels) -fuel fractions of municipal waste that otherwise could be used.
Under the procedure for assessing the environmental impact of the Project: "Introduction of alternative fuels in cement USJE" a public hearing for this initiative held on 18.04.2012 in the Municipality of Kisela Voda.
The public hearing was attended by representatives of state and local government, top management of USJE AD Skopje and the representative of the independent consulting firm that prepared the Study for assessment of the environmental impact.
The authorized expert for the environmental impact assessment presented the project and described legal requirements, the procedure for assessing the impact on living environment, planned activities, and expectations within this project.
The public hearing took place in a positive atmosphere with more discussion of governmental representatives, academia and the local population.
All present agreed that this project will have a positive impact and will imply the establishment of a sustainable system for collection and treatment of target waste fractions, utilizing their energy potential, and will reduce both consumption of fossil fuels and emissions of green-house gasses (CO2).
We believe that the use of alternative fuels in the manufacturing process will give an additional contribution to the overall sustainable development of our society.