Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy at the University „Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, in partnership with the National Institute of Civil Engineering of Slovenia (ZAG) and the Institute for Geological Research of Slovenia (GEoZS) organized an international on-line workshop on “Register of secondary minerals for the production of clinker / cement with low CO₂ emissions". The workshop was part of the RIS-ALICE project: Al - rich industrial residues for mineral binders in the region of Eastern and Southeastern Europe, supported by the European Institute of Technology and Innovation (Raw Materials) - EIT Raw Materials, which aims to find and map alternative raw materials, which on the one hand replace the use of natural raw materials in production, and on the other hand reduce the harmful impact of deposited industrial mineral residues. The ultimate goal is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, save energy and obtain new clinker / binder materials.
The Register of secondary mineral raw materials for production of clinkers / cements with low CO₂ emission in the air was presented at the Workshop, which will be a significant contribution to solving the challenges of climate change. The introductory speech was given by prof. Emilija Fidancevski from the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy at the University of “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, with the participation of experts, representatives of European institutions and industry from Switzerland, Belgium, France, Israel, Greece and Slovenia. We invite you (especially producers and users of mineral waste) to visit the website: https://alice-registry.eu/ and use the registry to share your data on secondary raw materials.
The holding of this important expert event was supported by Cementarnica USJE which is a partner in the RIS-ALICE project and one of the promoters of low CO₂ emissions.