Cementarnica USJE AD Skopje traditionally supports the education aiming to raise the level of education of the young people in the country and to enhance their employability. To this effect, Cementarnica USJE, eighth year in a row, awarded 4 scholarships for postgraduate studies in Management & Business Administration at the Faculty of Economics, within “Ss. Cyril & Methodius” University in Skopje. This year recipients of the scholarships are Vesna Trajkovska, Electrical Engineer, Aleksandar Mirceski, Electrical Engineer, Orhan Uzeirovski, Mechanical Engineer, and Radmila Risteska, Mechanical Engineer. The selection was made through a public announcement and the graduates with working experience and highest GPA were selected.
“This opportunity will help us strengthen our knowledge and skills that will, in turn, enhance our professional experience”, recipients said.
By now, about 25 students have continued their education with postgraduate studies in Management & Business Administration both at the Alba Business School in Athens and at the “Ss. Cyril & Methodius” University in Skopje with the scholarships granted by USJE.
Cementarnica USJE grants scholarships aiming to support the education of the young people in the country as part of our corporate social responsibility policy, while the recipients have no obligation towards our Company after their successful completion of the studies.