1. Public announcement 20.04.2021
2. Decision for convening the Annual general assembly
3. Number of common shares with voting rights
4. Registration form for participation at the assembly - individuals_legal entity
5. Suggestion of new decisions
6. Proxy for voting at own will - individuals_legal entity
7. Proxy for voting with instructions - individuals_legal entity
8. Notification to the BoD of Usje for conflict of interests - individuals_legal entity
9. Notification for given proxy - individuals_legal entity
10. Cancellation of a proxy - individuals_legal entity
11.1 Audited Separate Statutory Financial Statements_USJE_2021
11.2 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements_USJE_2021
12. Draft decision for profit distribution 2021
13. Draft decision for approving interested party transactions
14. Draft decision for appointing Auditor for 2022
15. Draft Decision for approval of Internal audit Report for 2021
15.1 USJE_2021 Annual_Audit_Report (v1.1)
16. Draft decision for verification of BoD's Decision for distribution of advanced dividend
16.1 Decision for distributon of advance dividend 2021
17. Draft decision for election of Non-executive member of USJE's BoD
18. Draft Decision on statutory amendments - accession
Decisions of the Annual Assembly:
1. Decision on approving annual account, financial statements and report for the operations for 2021
2. Decision on approving the work of the members of the BoD for 2021
3. Decision for profit distribution 2021
4. Decision for approving interested party transactions
5. Decision for appointing Auditor for 2022
6. Decision for approval of Internal audit Report for 2021
7. Decision for election of Non-executive member of USJE's BoD
8. Decision for verification of BoD's Decision for distribution of advanced dividend
9. Decision on statutory amendments - accession