Via Cementarnica Usje’s web-site The environmental measurement data at a single click
The monthly data from the measurements of the environment impact which were until today only submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, will from now on be publicly announced on the web-site of Cementarnica Usje – Titan, which makes them available to the public
Skopje, 16.09.2009 Cementarnica Usje – Titan has started with public announcing of the environmental measurement data on its web-site The data from the independent environmental measurements will be published on monthly basis, simultaneously with their submission to the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, and will contain an overview for each day separately, compared to the legally prescribed limits. In this way all the data from the environmental measurements which refer to the environment will be accessible to the wider public and the citizens.

‘Transparency and corporate social responsibility are some of the most important elements in the operation of Cementarnica Usje – Titan. In that context, we have decided to start publishing the measurement data in our website, which makes them publicly accessible, despite the fact that we are not bound to this by any Law or other obligation. We further continue in the process of deepening of the cooperation with the local community and the relevant institutions, in the citizen’s best interest. The preparations of several projects on local and central level are well under way’, stress Anthony Nikolopoulos, Chief Executive Director of Cementarnica Usje.
For the first time in Macedonia, Cementarnica Usje introduced 24-hour long independent monitoring which measures and registers the emissions and their impact on the environment and the data are sent to the competent Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning at the end of each month. At the same time, additional controlling environmental measurements are carried out by renowned independent laboratories, such as EBZ and ENKO. Apart from these measurement instruments, the City Healthcare Office also carries out measurements within the factory’s circle, which enables comparison of the data.
Cementarnica Usje – Titan is in the final phase of implementation of all the conditions necessary for the obtaining of the Integrated Environmental A License with adjustment plan, which is the highest confirmation for the compliance with the environmental standards in accordance with the European Union Directives. For this purpose, Cementarnica Usje – Titan is in constant cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning.
‘Large part of the activities of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning are directed towards compliance with and implementation of the high environmental standards in the day-to-day operation of the companies. We are in constant communication with all the companies and work daily on the improvement of the conditions on field. Cementarnica Usje is one of the companies in Macedonia which has invested efforts in the full implementation of the standards ensuing from the Environment Protection Laws. The Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning continues to further monitor the processes and build partnership relations with all those taking active participation in the environment protection even abowe the legal obligations’, said Nedzati Jakupi, Minister of Environment and Physical Planning said.
Simultaneously, Cementarnica Usje – Titan has implemented since 2006 the ISO 14001 standard, which guarantees environment protection and continual development in that direction. Staring from 1999 until now, Cementarnica Usje has invested 54 million EUR in environment protection and modernization of the production processes.
This new system of wider availability of elogogic measured data, USJE implement first of all due to the confidence strengthening of its neighbour citizens of k.Voda Municipilaty and wider as well.
“The public announcing of the environmental measurement data is a great benefit to the citizens, which is one of the highest priorities for the Municipality of Kisela Voda. We are satisfied with the decision of Cementarnica Usje Titan to make the environmental measurement data publicly accessible to all the citizens, thus giving them a chance to convince themselves of whether the operation of the company is in line with the legal regulations”, said Marjan Gjorchev, Mayor of the Municipality of Kisela Voda.
Within the frame of cooperation between the Municipality and Cementarnica Usje, projects for repair of the Usje canal in the village of Usje have been envisaged, as well as the ‘greening’ of school yards, construction of a square in the Municipality and the realization of a new Health and Safety programme in the primary schools of the Municipality of Kisela Voda.
Apart from the data from the environmental measurements, on the web-site of Cementarnica Usje – Titan the citizens will also be able to get information on the company, products, employees, and links to other institutions, as well as pose various kinds of questions, the answers to which will be provided by the relevant persons from the company.