"Corporate Social Responsibility Awards 2015"
Skopje, 21.10.2015 - Cementarnica USJE won this year's award for socially responsible action in the category "Environmental protection" for the results of the implementation of the project "Reducing air emissions".
The project for which USJE won this year's highest national recognition for socially responsible action validates the company's efforts to further reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the air. Namely, although the footprint of USJE in terms of air emissions, including nitrogen oxides, is under legal limits, the company invested in a new advanced technology and additional equipment during 2014 that provided additional reduction of emissions of nitrogen oxides by more than 20% annually.
"This award reflects the respect of USJE to the values and interests of the community and the commitment to the principles of sustainable development the best, with a special emphasis on environmental protection. The fact that for the sixth consecutive year we are receiving awards in various categories speaks about the continuing and, above all, strategic approach of our company in the field of social responsibility. We receive this award in an extremely important moment for our company as we celebrate 60 years of establishment this year. It gives us additional motivation to continue achieving our business goals in an ethical and socially responsible manner," said the Chief Executive Officer of Cementarnica USJE Boris Hrisafov, who also manages the board of corporate social responsibility of the company.
This is the second national award for social responsibility for Cementarnica USJE in the area of environmental protection. In previous years the company was awarded for projects implemented in the area of employee relations and market promotion.
In the area of environmental protection, Cementarnica USJE is certified with the System for Environmental Management ISO 14001: 2004 since 2006, and won the A - integrated environmental permit issued by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of the Republic of Macedonia in 2011.
Otherwise, Cementarnica Usje is a signatory and member of the Global Compact of the United Nations (UN) since 2008, which commits the company to the principles of socially responsible action in the areas of environmental protection, human and labor rights, anti-corruption action and corporate management and leadership.
For its efforts and activities in the field of sustainable development, environmental management and social responsibility, the company, starting from 2010, publishes a comprehensive annual report which for the first time this year received international advanced-level verification by a specialized international audit agency that authenticates such reports.
The full report on corporate social responsibility and sustainable development of Cementarnica Usje for 2014 is available on the website www.usje.com.mk.