03.12.2008 - Skopje, Cementarnica USJE AD joined the United Nations (UN) Global Compact. By joining the UN Global Compact, Cementarnica USJE AD embraced at the local country level the ten principles of good corporate management, which are the foundation of this Compact. These refer to respecting the human rights, upholding the freedom to association, recognizing the right to collective bargaining, respecting the rights of workers, abolishing child labor, elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation, respecting and promoting the environment and eliminating all types of bribery and corruption. It should be noted that the Titan Group, the mother Company of Usje, is a member or the UN Global Compact since 2002.
"The time when companies thought only about rewarding their shareholders are long gone. Today, many other aspects towards the wider stakeholders of each Company are valued along with the business success, such as providing favorable working environment, respecting employees, preventing bribery and corruption within company ranks, and caring about the environment and the community. The UN Global Compact confirms that not only Usje is a successful enterprise, but also that it is a useful and responsible community member that promotes and practices true values in all fields. We will continue to promote our Corporate Social Responsibility and we will always remain a constructive partner in the future," stated the Chief Executive Director of Cementarnica USJE AD Anthony Nikolopoulos.
The UN Global Compact is an idea of the former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, which he promoted at the Economic Forum in Davos in 1999, and it practically brings closer the principles of the business economy and the UN. Thousands of companies across the world have embraced the ten principles, including the most powerful corporations. In our country, 54 companies have accepted the UN Global Compact as a principle of action so far.