28.03.2009, Skopje. The cement mills in “Titan Cementarnica Usje” were disconnected for one hour in support of the global initiative “Earth Hour”. The cement mills were switched off on 28th March, 2009 from 20:30 to 21:30, when the supporters and participants in the whole world did the same.
By switching off the cement mills “Titan Cementarnica Usje” saved 10MW/h electrical energy, or approximately the amount of the consumption of over 3000 households in the country. At the same time the lights were also switched off in those locations in the Company where the safety measures for protection at work allowed that.
“Promoting this global initiative for “Titan Cementarnica Usje” is not just a matter of good will, it is our obligation. The protection of the environment is one of our priorities. Our Company is continuously working on this issue and we are devoted to a maximum. We will continue in the following period too to give our contribution for protection of the environment” emphasized Anthony Nicolopoulos, Chief Executive Director of “Titan Cementarnica Usje”.
Since December 2008, “Titan Cementarnica USJE is a local member of the Global Compact of the United Nations (UN). By signing the Global Compact, “Cementarnica USJE” accepted the ten principles for good Corporate Governance, among which is the respect of the environment. The initiative “Earth Hour” was also accepted by the multinational Group Titan, the parent Company of “Titan Cementarnica Usje”.
The “Earth Hour” is a global initiative which won the support of many international organizations. 84 countries, 2,848 cities and municipalities throughout the world, 6,299 organizations and 21,014 companies joined in to support the initiative’s effort for protection of the environment.
The Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki –moon gave support as well and he invited the citizens throughout the world to join this initiative, which is at the same time the biggest mass demonstration of the public concern for the climate changes in the world.