The international NASA Space Apps Challenge is a two-day hackathon during which teams of technologists, scientists, programmers, designers, artists, entrepreneurs and students from around the world collaborate and connect with publicly available data to design innovative solutions to global challenges.

The event embraces collaborative problem solving with a goal of producing relevant open-source solutions to address global needs applicable to both life on Earth and life in space.
This year the international hackathon took place in the period from 11-13 April in 95 cities of 46 countries worldwide and lasted 72 hours.
Over 8.000 people participated in the most massive global hackathon held so far, actively involved in solving challenges set by NASA in five topics: Earth Watch, Technology in Space, Human Spaceflight, Robotics and Asteroids and created more than 600 projects.

Cementarnica USJE supported this event by providing awards for the best participants. This year, Macedonia with 150 participants and 30 created projects is the leader in Europe in number of participants and the number of projects created.