USJE organized a series of activities to celebrate the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, 28 April.
More than 30 children of our employees were invited to our premises for art activities on the topic of health and safety at work. All employees and more than 100 contractors were invited to the main event which took place in the plant yard. The Chief executive director opened the event by presenting general information about USJE and our efforts towards achieving the 3D goals, our employees and sustainability ambitions.
The Health and safety manager presented our performance in the field of health and safety at work. During the event, several of our employees demonstrated, through examples and role-playing exercises, the steps involved in following our safety and health procedures.
At the end of the event, the awards for the best practices of employees or departments in the field of safety and health at work were presented, namely: The Head of process optimization, Aleksandar Velickovic, and the Head of cement mills and packing, Alexandra Momirov were awarded for the highest number of performed safety walks; Junior crane operator, Nikolce Mladenovski, was awarded for the highest number of reported incidents; the rotary kiln team received an award for reporting the largest number of near misses; Junior production operator Dragan Ristov and the Head of process control, Filip Spasovski were awarded for significant contribution in the field of safety and health at work, while the raw meal preparation team, electrical engineer Stefan Gjorgiev and quality control operator Dejan Saltirovski were awarded for the best ssafety proposal.
At the end of the event, everyone has the opportunity for networking and sharing experience.