World Day for Safety and Health at Work


USJE organized a series of activities to celebrate the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, 28 April.

The primary gathering welcomed all employees, along with over 100 contractors and guests. Mr. Mario Bracci, the Cluster General Manager for Albania, Kosovo, and North Macedonia, was honored to participate in this occasion. During the event, the Chief Executive Director, Konstantinos Nikolaou delivered a presentation emphasizing the importance of health and safety at work within USJE and the TITAN Group. Following that, the Technical Director, Goce Cvetkoski highlighted our unwavering commitments and notable achievements in ensuring health and safety at work. Our Health and Safety Manager, Valerija Milanova then provided an overview of our performance in this crucial area. The Deputy Head of European Integration and International Cooperation Department in the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy asserted that USJE is a leading company in implementing health and safety practices within the industry. Throughout the event, selected employees showcased cardinal safety procedures through demonstrations and role-playing exercises. The event culminated with awards for the best practices of employees or sectors that stand out in the field of safety and health at work.  At the end of the event, everyone has the opportunity for networking and sharing experience.

Among these, an art workshop was tailored for the children of our employees. Meanwhile, fueled by renowned chef Mark's inspiration, several colleagues formed teams and engaged in a cooking competition. Simultaneously, two enriching training sessions on Mental Health and Healthy Diet were conducted for all employees, facilitated by Dr. Mitov. One-day spring break was organized in Lesnovo village, Probishtip.