Following our policy of transparency, Cementarnica USJE has been continuously organizing Open Days, which offer the opportunity to all interested parties to visit the company, to get relevant information about the production process, the standards and procedures observed in all segments of operation, as well as to get acquainted with the innovations and investments in new technologies that ensure the company's further sustainable development and its positive impact on the community and society as a whole.
The first Cementarnica USJE Open Day was organized on 15/09/2011 and since then such events have become a regular practice of the company. Over the course of 2019, five Open Days were organized, during which the representatives of various stakeholder groups, including representatives of state and local institutions, academia, civic associations, citizens and media got the opportunity to learn about all important aspects of the company's operations, and the new technology for the use of alternative fuels in Cementarnica USJE's production process was unveiled.
USJE continues with this practice and all interested citizens, civic associations, institutions, media and other parties can announce a visit to the company at the following email address: contact@usje.mk